belt favors are earned after a soldier signs the Darkyard pay book for the second time.
Minion Favor
Minion favors are red, and bear Vito's registered heraldry, 'Gules, six towers argent, three and three.' This is the heraldry of the small town in Italy that his parents are from, these favors are given personally by Vito to those who have earned his trust. None should expect a Minion favor before their second Pennsic War. These favors bear the name of the Minion to whom they belong, written on a plaque made from the toxic waste barrel plastic from which we make our armor.
Various Minions have SCA awards, most specific to the Middle Kingdom, They can represent prowess on the battlefield, skill in arts and sciences, or service to the kingdom and SCA as a whole. SCA awards are listed and defined at Midrealm Heraldry.