Guilds and Offices

Pins and beads attached to a Minion's belt favor indicate household guilds to which that Minion belongs. Guild members are responsible to perform the duties of the guild and can be relied on to do so. Some guilds allow non-Minions as members.

There are groups with members appointed as officers by Caesar:


Head of the Minion household, land agent for Villa Vino, battlefield commander. Currently Vito. If asked, Caesar Vito will describe this pin as indicating that he is "the goddamn paterfamilias." He does not claim Caesar as a title. His Minions call him that.


He who rules over Cooper's Lake, the civilian official whose hospitality we enjoy at every Pennsic War. Currently Marius.


Civil Police Guards. Duties: Handles internal discipline issues, recover Minion property, eject unwelcome people, assassinate the occasional Caesar. Guard includes Virus, Vici and Sifu.


Representatives and diplomats. Duties: Represent the Minions to Caesar, represent Caesar to those outside the household. Make sure Minions are having fun. Senators: Astrid, Cato, Gregor and Ferus.


Standard bearer corp. Duty: Carry the Minion flags to the battlefield, and secure them. Led by Luciana.

These guilds have leaders appointed by Caesar, and they add and remove members themselves:


Waterbearers. Duties: Acquire, transport, and provide hydration for the fighting unit. Clean water, Gatorade, pickles, etc.


Entertainers, artists, creatives. Those who participate in the SCA Arts and Sciences and/or entertain us at Pennsic.


Armorers guild. Duties: Make and maintain armor, weapons, shields, ammunition, and armor bags owned by the Minion household. Guild led by Vici as quartermaster.


Diviners and vestal college. The spiritual wing of the household. Duties: Interpret omens, bless the troops, etc. College led by Vito as Pontifex Maximus.


Those who have spent way too much money on the Minions. Those who Caesar trusts to do so in the future. None have outspent Caesar.


Cooks, kitchen guild. Those trusted to use the kitchen and clean up after. Duties: None. They make whatever they want, and they might share. Guild led by Cato.


Builders guild. Duties: Bring tools and build and repair tents, couches, gates, plumbing, etc. for the camp. Guild led by Vito.


Photographers' guild. Duties: Shoot stills and video, and upload the good stuff to the internet. Guild led by Ursus.


Booze providers guild. Duties: Find, make, acquire, and provide alcoholic beverages to the Minions who drink them, and our guests. Guild led by Sifu.


Paramedics squad. Duties: Provide first aid and summon medical assistance to those injured fighting and drinking. Guild led by Abigail.


Soldiers corp. Consists of all armored and rapier SCA fighters and combat archers wearing the Minion heraldry on the field and in the list. Black stripes on the rattan denote weapon authorizations. Fighters corp led by Brutus and the rapier corps led by Labros.


Scribes guild. track Minion paperwork, keep the website current and accurate, and get Minions names and heraldry registered. Guild led by Sifu.


Tailors guild. Duties: Make and repair tunics and fabric projects for the Minions, teach others to sew. Guild led by Vito.


Those Minions who have spent ten years or more on the Pennsic battlefield. Their experience is of great value to the household. The bauble on the favor is given to those who have spent ten years on the battlefield as a Minion.

Non-guild pins and beads:


Time in service. Each metal bead denotes service to the Minions at a Pennsic War.